// component/teacher/teacherFault/teacherFault.ts import { ConstsData } from "../../../utils/const" import { httpUtil } from "../../../utils/restful"; Component({ /** * 组件的属性列表 */ properties: { }, /** * 组件的初始数据 */ data: { //判断当前页面显示哪个view pageState: 0, pageStateText: ['故障报修', '报修记录'], //故障报修界面所用数据 fault: ['普通', '待查', '紧急'], faultIndex: 0, regionOne: Array<String>(), regionTwo: Array<String>(), regionThree: Array<String>(), regionOneIndex: 0, regionTwoIndex: 0, regionThreeIndex: 0, region: [ Array<String>(), Array<String>(), Array<String>() ], regionIndex: [0, 0, 0], schoolArray: [['暂无学校']], schoolIndex: 0, classArray: ['暂无班级'], classIndex: 0, provinceValue: '',//省份value regionValue: '',//地区value cityValue: '', schoolData: [{ 'id': '' }], schoolId: '', classData: [{ 'id': '' }], classId: '', initFirst: true, deviceId: '', describe: "", postFaultListImg: [], postImg: [], //报修记录用到的参数 faultList: [] }, lifetimes: { attached: function () { // 在组件实例被从页面节点树添加时执行 this.changeOrganizeInfo(); }, detached: function () { // 在组件实例被从页面节点树移除时执行 }, }, /** * 组件的方法列表 */ methods: { //选择是故障报修界面还是报修记录界面 bindPageChange: function (event: any) { console.log("event.detail.value:", event.detail.value) if (event.detail.value == 1) { this.getFaultByUserId(); } this.setData({ pageState: event.detail.value }) }, //选择是否紧急 bindFaultChange: function (event: any) { this.setData({ faultIndex: event.detail.value }) }, changeOrganizeInfo: function () { //设置名字 this.setData({ userName: ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.name }) //切换地区 this.setData({ regionOne: [], regionTwo: [], regionThree: [] }) ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.data.initFirst) { if (item.value == ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.province) { //如果是当前的 this.setData({ regionOneIndex: index }) } } this.data.regionOne.push(item.title) }) ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children[this.data.regionOneIndex].children.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.data.initFirst) { if (item.value == ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.city) { this.setData({ regionTwoIndex: index }) } } this.data.regionTwo.push(item.title) }) ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children[this.data.regionOneIndex].children[this.data.regionTwoIndex].children.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.data.initFirst) { if (item.value == ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.region) { this.setData({ regionThreeIndex: index }) } } this.data.regionThree.push(item.title) }) this.setData({ region: [this.data.regionOne, this.data.regionTwo, this.data.regionThree], regionIndex: [this.data.regionOneIndex, this.data.regionTwoIndex, this.data.regionThreeIndex], provinceValue: ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children[this.data.regionOneIndex].value.toString(), cityValue: ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children[this.data.regionOneIndex].children[this.data.regionTwoIndex].value.toString(), regionValue: ConstsData.AppData.organizeInfo.data.children[this.data.regionOneIndex].children[this.data.regionTwoIndex].children[this.data.regionThreeIndex].value.toString(), initFirst: false }) //切换学校 this.changeSchool(); }, //查询学校 changeSchool: function () { //查询学校 let params = { city: this.data.cityValue, province: this.data.provinceValue, region: this.data.regionValue, type: 1, } httpUtil.wxGet(httpUtil.interfaces.getSchoolOrClass, params).then((res: any) => { this.setData({ schoolArray: [], schoolIndex: 0, schoolData: res.data.data, schoolId: res.data.data[0].id }) let newArray: string[] = []; res.data.data.forEach((element, index) => { if (ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.schoolId == element.id) { this.setData({ schoolIndex: index, schoolId: this.data.schoolData[index].id }) } newArray.push(element.title) }); this.data.schoolArray.push(newArray) this.setData({ schoolArray: this.data.schoolArray }) //切换班级 this.changeClass() }).catch(res => { console.log("查询学校error:", res) this.setData({ schoolArray: [['暂无学校']], schoolId: '', classArray: ['暂无班级'], classId: '' }) }) }, //查询班级 changeClass: function () { let params = { city: this.data.cityValue, father: this.data.schoolId,//学校ID province: this.data.provinceValue, region: this.data.regionValue, type: 2, } httpUtil.wxGet(httpUtil.interfaces.getSchoolOrClass, params).then((res: any) => { this.setData({ classArray: [], classIndex: 0 }) this.setData({ classData: res.data.data, classId: res.data.data[0].id }) console.log("classData:", this.data.classData) res.data.data.forEach((element: { id: number; title: string; }, index: number) => { if (element.id == ConstsData.AppData.myInfoData.classId) { this.setData({ classIndex: index, classId: res.data.data[index].id }) this.getDeviceByRSC() console.log("this.data.classIndex:", this.data.classIndex) } this.data.classArray.push(element.title) }); this.setData({ classArray: this.data.classArray, }) }).catch(res => { console.log("查询班级error:", res) this.setData({ classArray: ['暂无班级'], classId: '' }) }) }, bindMultiPickerColumnChange: function (event: any) { // switch (Number(event.detail.column)) { case 0: //代表第一列 this.setData({ regionOneIndex: event.detail.value, }) break; case 1: //代表第二列 this.setData({ regionTwoIndex: event.detail.value, }) break; case 2: //代表第三列 this.setData({ regionThreeIndex: event.detail.value }) break; } this.changeOrganizeInfo(); }, bindRegionChange: function (event: any) { this.setData({ regionIndex: event.detail.value }) }, bindSchoolPicker: function (event: any) { this.setData({ schoolIndex: event.detail.value, schoolId: this.data.schoolData[event.detail.value].id }) this.changeClass(); }, bindClssPicker: function (event: any) { this.setData({ classIndex: event.detail.value, classId: this.data.classData[event.detail.value].id }) this.getDeviceByRSC() }, //根据地区,学校,班级获取deviceId getDeviceByRSC: function () { let params = { city: this.data.cityValue, classId: this.data.classId, province: this.data.provinceValue,//省份 region: this.data.regionValue,//地区 schoolId: this.data.schoolId, } httpUtil.wxGet(httpUtil.interfaces.getDevideIdByRSC, params).then((res: any) => { console.log("根据省市学校班级获取deviceId成功:", res) if (res.data.success) { this.setData({ deviceId: res.data.data.deviceId }) } else { this.setData({ deviceId: '' }) } }).catch((res) => { console.log("根据省市学校班级获取deviceId失败:", res) this.setData({ deviceId: '暂无设备' }) }) }, //获取设备ID的输入 bindDeviceInput(event: any) { this.setData({ deviceId: event.detail.value }) }, //获取故障描述输入 bindFaultText: function (event: any) { this.setData({ describe: event.detail.value }) }, //从本机相册获取图片 getFaultImg: function () { let that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 9, // 默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { // 返回选定照片的本地文件路径列表,tempFilePath可以作为img标签的src属性显示图片 that.setData({ postFaultListImg: that.data.postFaultListImg.concat(res.tempFilePaths) }) res.tempFilePaths.forEach((item, index) => { httpUtil.wxUploadFile(httpUtil.interfaces.uploadImageList, item, index.toString(), { 'userId': httpUtil.httpData.userId, 'deviceId': that.data.deviceId }).then((res: any) => { let json = JSON.parse(res.data); console.log("json:", json.data) that.setData({ postImg: that.data.postImg.concat(json.data) }) }).catch((res => { console.log("上传图片失败:", res) })) }) } }) }, //提交故障 submitFault: function (event: any) { if (!this.data.deviceId) { wx.showToast({ title: '请输入设备ID', icon: 'none', //如果要纯文本,不要icon,将值设为'none' duration: 1000 }) return; } if (!this.data.describe) { wx.showToast({ title: '请输入故障描述', icon: 'none', //如果要纯文本,不要icon,将值设为'none' duration: 1000 }) return; } if (!this.data.deviceId || this.data.deviceId === '暂无设备') { wx.showToast({ title: '暂无设备', icon: 'none', //如果要纯文本,不要icon,将值设为'none' duration: 1000 }) return; } let img = ''; this.data.postImg.forEach((res, index) => { if (index < this.data.postImg.length - 1) { img = img + res + "," } else { img = img + res } }) console.log("postImg:", img) let params = { city: this.data.cityValue, classId: this.data.classId, province: this.data.provinceValue,//省份 region: this.data.regionValue,//地区 schoolId: this.data.schoolId, deviceId: this.data.deviceId, faultLevel: this.data.faultIndex, describe: this.data.describe, userId: httpUtil.httpData.userId, img: img } console.log("params:", params) httpUtil.wxPost(httpUtil.interfaces.postDeviceFault, params).then((res: any) => { console.log("设备报修成功:", res) if (res.data.success) { let that = this; wx.showModal({ title: '', content: '报修成功', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('点击确认回调') that.getFaultByUserId(); that.setData({ pageState: 1 }) } else { console.log('点击取消回调') } } }) } else { } }).catch((res) => { console.log("设备报修失败:", res) }) }, getFaultByUserId: function () { console.log("获取报修记录") let params = { pageNo: 1, pageSize: 10000 } httpUtil.wxGet(httpUtil.interfaces.getDeviceFault, params).then((res: any) => { console.log("获取报修记录成功:", res) this.setData({ faultList: res.data.data.list }) }).catch((res) => { console.log("获取报修记录失败:", res) }) } } })