import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Layout, message } from 'antd'; import DocumentTitle from 'react-document-title'; import { connect } from 'dva'; import { Route, Redirect, Switch } from 'dva/router'; import { ContainerQuery } from 'react-container-query'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { enquireScreen } from 'enquire-js'; import GlobalHeader from '../components/GlobalHeader'; import SiderMenu from '../components/SiderMenu'; import NotFound from '../routes/Exception/404'; import { Hotax } from '../utils/config'; import { getRoutes } from '../utils/utils'; import Authorized from '../utils/Authorized'; import { getMenuData } from '../common/menu'; import logo from '../assets/logo.jpg'; const { Content, Header } = Layout; const { AuthorizedRoute } = Authorized; /** * 根据菜单取得重定向地址. */ const redirectData = []; const getRedirect = (item) => { if (item && item.children) { if (item.children[0] && item.children[0].path) { redirectData.push({ from: `${item.path}`, to: `${item.children[0].path}`, }); item.children.forEach((children) => { getRedirect(children); }); } } }; getMenuData().forEach(getRedirect); /** * 获取面包屑映射 * @param {Object} menuData 菜单配置 * @param {Object} routerData 路由配置 */ const getBreadcrumbNameMap = (menuData, routerData) => { const result = {}; const childResult = {}; for (const i of menuData) { if (!routerData[i.path]) { result[i.path] = i; } if (i.children) { Object.assign(childResult, getBreadcrumbNameMap(i.children, routerData)); } } return Object.assign({}, routerData, result, childResult); }; const query = { 'screen-xs': { maxWidth: 575, }, 'screen-sm': { minWidth: 576, maxWidth: 767, }, 'screen-md': { minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 991, }, 'screen-lg': { minWidth: 992, maxWidth: 1199, }, 'screen-xl': { minWidth: 1200, }, }; let isMobile; enquireScreen((b) => { isMobile = b; }); class BasicLayout extends React.PureComponent { static childContextTypes = { location: PropTypes.object, breadcrumbNameMap: PropTypes.object, }; state = { isMobile, }; getChildContext() { const { location, routerData } = this.props; return { location, breadcrumbNameMap: getBreadcrumbNameMap(getMenuData(), routerData), }; } componentDidMount() { enquireScreen((mobile) => { this.setState({ isMobile: mobile, }); }); this.props.dispatch({ type: 'user/fetchCurrent', }); } getPageTitle() { const { routerData, location } = this.props; const { pathname } = location; let title = Hotax.PROJECT_NAME; if (routerData[pathname] && routerData[pathname].name) { title = `${routerData[pathname].name} - ${Hotax.PROJECT_NAME}`; } return title; } getBashRedirect = () => { // According to the url parameter to redirect // 这里是重定向的,重定向到 url 的 redirect 参数所示地址 const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href); const redirect = urlParams.searchParams.get('redirect'); // Remove the parameters in the url if (redirect) { urlParams.searchParams.delete('redirect'); window.history.replaceState(null, 'redirect', urlParams.href); } else { return '/dashboard/sold'; } return redirect; }; handleMenuCollapse = (collapsed) => { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'global/changeLayoutCollapsed', payload: collapsed, }); }; handleNoticeClear = (type) => { message.success(`清空了${type}`); this.props.dispatch({ type: 'global/clearNotices', payload: type, }); }; handleMenuClick = ({ key }) => { if (key === 'logout') { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'login/logout', }); } }; handleNoticeVisibleChange = (visible) => { if (visible) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'global/fetchNotices', }); } }; render() { const { currentUser, collapsed, fetchingNotices, notices, routerData, match, location, } = this.props; const bashRedirect = this.getBashRedirect(); const layout = (
{ => ) } { getRoutes(match.path, routerData).map(item => ( ) ) }
); return ( {params =>
); } } export default connect(({ user, global, loading }) => ({ currentUser: user.currentUser, collapsed: global.collapsed, fetchingNotices: loading.effects['global/fetchNotices'], notices: global.notices, }))(BasicLayout);