import { Linking, Alert } from 'react-native'; export default class commonutil { //获取appCode static getAppCode() { return '1006'; } static async getFileUserInfo() { let a = await .load({ key: 'userInfo' }) .then((result) => { return result; }) .catch((err) => { console.log('ERROR' + err.message); return null; }); return a; } static async saveUserInfo() { .save({ key: 'userInfo', data: JSON.stringify(global.userInfo) }) .then((result) => { return result; }) .catch((err) => { return 'error'; }); } //验证手机号 static isPoneAvailable(str) { let myreg = /^[1][0-9]{10}$/; if (str.length == 0 || str == null) { return false; } else if (!myreg.test(str)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** *map转化为对象(map所有键都是字符串,可以将其转换为对象) */ static strMapToObj(strMap) { let obj = Object.create(null); for (let [ k, v ] of strMap) { obj[k] = v; } return obj; } /** *map转换为json */ static mapToJson(map) { return JSON.stringify(this.strMapToObj(map)); } /** *对象转换为Map */ static objToStrMap(obj) { let strMap = new Map(); for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) { strMap.set(k, obj[k]); } return strMap; } /** *json转换为map */ static jsonToMap(jsonStr) { return this.objToStrMap(JSON.parse(jsonStr)); } //调用打电话功能 static callPhone(phone) { // let tel = '1008611'; // 目标电话 Alert.alert('提示', phone, [ { text: '取消', onPress: () => { console.log('取消'); } }, { text: '确定', onPress: () => { Linking.canOpenURL('tel:' + phone) .then((supported) => { if (!supported) { console.log('Can not handle tel:' + phone); } else { return Linking.openURL('tel:' + phone); } }) .catch((error) => console.log('tel error', error)); } } ]); } }