import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Platform, Text, View, ImageBackground, Button, Image, TouchableOpacity, PanResponder, StyleSheet } from "react-native"; import { createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from "react-navigation"; import Video from "react-native-video"; import SeekBar from "../components/SeekBar"; const instructions ={ ios: "Press Cmd+R to reload,\n" + "Cmd+D or shake for dev menu", android: "Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,\n" + "Shake or press menu button for dev menu" }); type Props = {}; export default class CusVideo extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.pressStatus = false; this.progress = 0; this.time_hideController; } config = { changeX: 0, changeY: 0, xDiff: 0, yDiff: 0 }; state = { player_status_icon: require("../images/video/start.png"), rate: 1, volume: 1, muted: false, resizeMode: "stretch", duration: 0.0, currentTime: 0.0, paused: true, onBuffer: true, wheel: false, isFull: false, needback: this.props.needback, show_controller: true, show_loading: true, loading_arr: [ require("../images/video/loading1.png"), require("../images/video/loading2.png"), require("../images/video/loading3.png"), require("../images/video/loading4.png"), require("../images/video/loading5.png"), require("../images/video/loading6.png"), require("../images/video/loading7.png"), require("../images/video/loading8.png"), require("../images/video/loading9.png"), require("../images/video/loading10.png"), require("../images/video/loading11.png"), require("../images/video/loading12.png"), require("../images/video/loading13.png"), require("../images/video/loading14.png"), require("../images/video/loading15.png"), require("../images/video/loading16.png"), require("../images/video/loading17.png"), require("../images/video/loading18.png"), require("../images/video/loading19.png"), require("../images/video/loading20.png") ] }; render() { if (! { return null; } return ( ); } componentWillMount() { this.videotouch = PanResponder.create({ onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true, onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true, onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true, onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true, onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => { this.pressStatus = true; this.config.changeY = evt.nativeEvent.pageY; this.config.changeX = evt.nativeEvent.pageX; if (this.state.show_controller) { this.hideController(); } else { this.showController(); } }, onPanResponderStart: (evt, gestureState) => { this.pressStatus = true; }, onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => { this.config.yDiff = evt.nativeEvent.pageY - this.config.changeY; this.config.xDiff = evt.nativeEvent.pageX - this.config.changeX; this.config.changeY = evt.nativeEvent.pageY; this.config.changeX = evt.nativeEvent.pageX; }, onPanResponderEnd: (evt, gestureState) => { this.pressStatus = true; }, onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => true, onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => { if (this.pressStatus) { this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(); } }, onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => { // 另一个组件已经成为了新的响应者,所以当前手势将被取消。 }, onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (evt, gestureState) => { // 返回一个布尔值,决定当前组件是否应该阻止原生组件成为JS响应者 // 默认返回true。目前暂时只支持android。 //基于业务交互场景,如果这里使用js事件处理,会导致容器不能左右滑动。所以设置成false. return false; } }); } componentWillUnmount() { clearTimeout(this.time_hideController); } loadStart() { // alert("loadStart"); } onBuffer({ isBuffering }: { isBuffering: boolean }) { //true为正在加载,false为没有加载,此处给loading提示 this.setState({ onBuffer: isBuffering, show_loading: isBuffering }); } isPlaying() { if (this.state.onBuffer == false && this.state.paused == false) { return true; } return false; } onLoad = data => { //获取的是秒数 this.setState({ duration: data.duration }); // this.bottomcontroller.setMax(data.duration); }; onProgress = data => { this.setState({ currentTime: data.currentTime }); if (this.state.show_controller && { this.bottomcontroller.setProgress(this.state.currentTime); this.bottomcontroller.setMax(this.state.duration); } }; onError() { if (this.props.onEnd == undefined) { } else { this.props.onError(); } } onEnd() { if (this.props.onEnd == undefined) { } else { this.props.onEnd(); } } play() { //controller的play点击无法换图... if (this.state.paused) { this.start(); } else { this.pause(); } } pause() { this.setState({ paused: true, player_status_icon: require("../images/video/start.png") }); this.player_icon_index = 1; } start() { this.setState({ paused: false, player_status_icon: require("../images/video/pause.png") }); this.player_icon_index = 0; if (this.state.show_controller) { this.time_hideController = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ show_controller: false // needback: false }); this.bottomcontroller.setBottom(-50); this.topcontroller.setTop(-50); }, 5000); } } seekTo(progress) {; } presentFullscreenPlayer() { if (this.state.isFull) { this.setState({ isFull: false, needback: this.props.needback }); } else { this.setState({ isFull: true, needback: true }); } this.props.videofullScreenPlayer(); this.bottomcontroller.setProgress(this.state.currentTime); } touch_up_callback(progress) { //抬起之后,获取算出来的progress this.setState({ currentTime: progress }); this.seekTo(progress); } refreshVideo() { this.setState({ duration: 0, currentTime: 0 }); this.bottomcontroller.setProgress(0); } videoBackClick() { // if (this.props.needback != undefined && this.props.needback) { // } if (this.state.isFull) { //全屏状态下,变小屏 this.presentFullscreenPlayer(); } else { this.props.videoback(); } } showController() { clearTimeout(this.time_hideController); this.setState({ show_controller: true // needback: this.props.needback }); this.bottomcontroller.setBottom(0); this.bottomcontroller.setProgress(this.state.currentTime); this.topcontroller.setTop(0); this.time_hideController = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ show_controller: false // needback: false }); this.bottomcontroller.setBottom(-50); this.topcontroller.setTop(-50); }, 5000); } hideController() { this.setState({ show_controller: false // needback: false }); this.bottomcontroller.setBottom(-50); this.topcontroller.setTop(-50); } componentWillUnmount() { clearTimeout(this.time_hideController); } } /** * 将秒转换为 分:秒 * s int 秒数 */ function formatTime(s) { //计算分钟 //算法:将秒数除以60,然后下舍入,既得到分钟数 var h; h = Math.floor(s / 60); //计算秒 //算法:取得秒%60的余数,既得到秒数 s = Math.round(s % 60); //将变量转换为字符串 h += ""; s += ""; //如果只有一位数,前面增加一个0 h = h.length == 1 ? "0" + h : h; s = s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s; return h + ":" + s; } class TopController extends Component { state = { controller_top: 0 }; render() { if (this.props.needback == false) { return null; } return ( this.props.videoback()} > ); } setTop(top) { this.setState({ controller_top: top }); } } class Loading extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.loading_index = 0; } state = { loading_img: this.props.loading_arr[0] }; render() { if ( { return ( ); } else { return null; } } componentWillMount() { this.changeIndex(); } componentWillUnmount() { clearTimeout(this.changeindex); } changeIndex() { this.changeindex = setTimeout(() => { if (this.loading_index > this.props.loading_arr.length - 2) { this.loading_index = 0; } else { this.loading_index = this.loading_index + 1; } this.setState({ loading_img: this.props.loading_arr[this.loading_index] }); this.changeIndex(); }, 1); } } class BottomController extends Component { state = { controller_bottom: 0 }; render() { return ( {/* 暂停播放按钮 */} this.props.play_click()} > {/* //左侧当前播放时长 */} {formatTime(this.props.currentTime)} {/* //中间进度条 */} (this.seekbar = view)} //必须带此方法,作为滑动之后抬起的回调 touchUpCallBack={this.props.touch_up_callback} /> {/* //右侧总时长 */} {formatTime(this.props.duration)} this.props.full_click()} > {/* //放大按钮 */} ); } setMax(duration) { this.seekbar.setMax(duration); } getMax() { return this.seekbar.getMax(); } setBottom(bottom) { this.setState({ controller_bottom: bottom }); } setProgress(currentTime) { this.seekbar.setProgress(currentTime); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ player_controller: { flexDirection: "row", position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: 50, alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }, player_pause_icon: { width: "80%", resizeMode: "center", height: "40%", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", left: 5 }, fullscreen_icon: { width: "80%", resizeMode: "center", height: "30%", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, player_time: { fontSize: 16, color: "white", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", textAlignVertical: "center", textAlign: "center" } }); /** 使用方法 ( = view)} //设置ID needback={false} videoback={() => alert("videoback")} videofullScreenPlayer={this.fullScreenPlayer.bind(this)} style={{ left: this.state.x, top: this.state.y, width: this.state.video_width, height: this.state.video_height, overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute" }} /> */