import React from 'react'; import moment from 'moment'; import { Badge, Avatar } from 'antd'; import { Hotax } from './config'; const ProvinceCodes = { 11: '北京', 12: '天津', 13: '河北省', 14: '山西省', 15: '内蒙古自治区', 21: '辽宁省', 22: '吉林省', 23: '黑龙江省', 31: '上海', 32: '江苏省', 33: '浙江省', 34: '安徽省', 35: '福建省', 36: '江西省', 37: '山东省', 41: '河南省', 42: '湖北省', 43: '湖南省', 44: '广东省', 45: '广西壮族自治区', 46: '海南省', 50: '重庆', 51: '四川省', 52: '贵州省', 53: '云南省', 54: '西藏自治区', 61: '陕西省', 62: '甘肃省', 63: '青海省', 64: '宁夏回族自治区', 65: '新疆维吾尔自治区', 71: '台湾', 81: '香港特别行政区', 82: '澳门特别行政区', 99: '海外', // 43湖南校区编号超过99,省份代码顺延为90 90: '湖南省', }; export function fixedZero(val) { return val * 1 < 10 ? `0${val}` : val; } export function getTimeDistance(type) { const now = new Date(); const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; if (type === 'today') { now.setHours(0); now.setMinutes(0); now.setSeconds(0); return [moment(now), moment(now.getTime() + (oneDay - 1000))]; } if (type === 'week') { let day = now.getDay(); now.setHours(0); now.setMinutes(0); now.setSeconds(0); if (day === 0) { day = 6; } else { day -= 1; } const beginTime = now.getTime() - (day * oneDay); return [moment(beginTime), moment(beginTime + ((7 * oneDay) - 1000))]; } if (type === 'month') { const year = now.getFullYear(); const month = now.getMonth(); const nextDate = moment(now).add(1, 'months'); const nextYear = nextDate.year(); const nextMonth = nextDate.month(); return [moment(`${year}-${fixedZero(month + 1)}-01 00:00:00`), moment(moment(`${nextYear}-${fixedZero(nextMonth + 1)}-01 00:00:00`).valueOf() - 1000)]; } if (type === 'year') { const year = now.getFullYear(); return [moment(`${year}-01-01 00:00:00`), moment(`${year}-12-31 23:59:59`)]; } } export function getPlainNode(nodeList, parentPath = '') { const arr = []; nodeList.forEach((node) => { const item = node; item.path = `${parentPath}/${item.path || ''}`.replace(/\/+/g, '/'); item.exact = true; if (item.children && !item.component) { arr.push(...getPlainNode(item.children, item.path)); } else { if (item.children && item.component) { item.exact = false; } arr.push(item); } }); return arr; } export function digitUppercase(n) { const fraction = ['角', '分']; const digit = ['零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖']; const unit = [ ['元', '万', '亿'], ['', '拾', '佰', '仟'], ]; let num = Math.abs(n); let s = ''; fraction.forEach((item, index) => { s += (digit[Math.floor(num * 10 * (10 ** index)) % 10] + item).replace(/零./, ''); }); s = s || '整'; num = Math.floor(num); for (let i = 0; i < unit[0].length && num > 0; i += 1) { let p = ''; for (let j = 0; j < unit[1].length && num > 0; j += 1) { p = digit[num % 10] + unit[1][j] + p; num = Math.floor(num / 10); } s = p.replace(/(零.)*零$/, '').replace(/^$/, '零') + unit[0][i] + s; } return s.replace(/(零.)*零元/, '元').replace(/(零.)+/g, '零').replace(/^整$/, '零元整'); } function getRelation(str1, str2) { if (str1 === str2) { console.warn('Two path are equal!'); // eslint-disable-line } const arr1 = str1.split('/'); const arr2 = str2.split('/'); if (arr2.every((item, index) => item === arr1[index])) { return 1; } else if (arr1.every((item, index) => item === arr2[index])) { return 2; } return 3; } function getRenderArr(routes) { let renderArr = []; renderArr.push(routes[0]); for (let i = 1; i < routes.length; i += 1) { let isAdd = false; // 是否包含 isAdd = renderArr.every(item => getRelation(item, routes[i]) === 3); // 去重 renderArr = renderArr.filter(item => getRelation(item, routes[i]) !== 1); if (isAdd) { renderArr.push(routes[i]); } } return renderArr; } /** * Get router routing configuration * { path:{name,...param}}=>Array<{name,path ...param}> * @param {string} path * @param {routerData} routerData */ export function getRoutes(path, routerData) { let routes = Object.keys(routerData).filter(routePath => routePath.indexOf(path) === 0 && routePath !== path); // Replace path to '' eg. path='user' /user/name => name routes = => item.replace(path, '')); // Get the route to be rendered to remove the deep rendering const renderArr = getRenderArr(routes); // Conversion and stitching parameters const renderRoutes = => { const exact = !routes.some(route => route !== item && getRelation(route, item) === 1); return { ...routerData[`${path}${item}`], key: `${path}${item}`, path: `${path}${item}`, exact, }; }); return renderRoutes; } /* eslint no-useless-escape:0 */ const reg = /(((^https?:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www.|[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-\+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[\w]*))?)$/g; export function isUrl(path) { return reg.test(path); } export function addRowKey(data) { if (!data) { return []; } return => { return { key:, ...item }; }); } export function renderCategory(domain) { switch (domain) { case Hotax.DOMAIN_CP: return '供应商'; case Hotax.DOMAIN_LJ: return '平台方'; case Hotax.DOMAIN_PJ: return '渠道商'; default: return ''; } } export function renderStatus(status, delText, normalText) { if (status === Hotax.STATUS_NORMAL) { return ( ); } else { return ( ); } } export function statusCodeToName(status) { if (status === Hotax.STATUS_NORMAL) { return '正常'; } else if (status === Hotax.STATUS_DELETE) { return '已删除'; } else { return ''; } } export function renderBindStatus(status, delText, normalText) { if (status === Hotax.ACCOUNT_BINDING) { return ( ); } else { return ( ); } } export function renderVideoQuality(quality) { if (quality === 'high') { return '高清'; } else { return '标清'; } } export function renderAvatar(avatar, name) { const colorList = [ '#ff4d4f', // red-5 '#ff7a45', // volcano-5 '#ffa940', // orange-5 '#ffc53d', // gold-5 '#ffec3d', // yellow-5 '#bae637', // lime-5 '#73d13d', // green-5 '#36cfc9', // cyan-5 '#40a9ff', // blue-5 '#597ef7', // geekblue-5 '#9254de', // purple-5 '#f759ab', // magenta-5 ]; return ( {name[0]} ); } export function renderGender(gender) { if (gender === 'MALE') { return '男'; } else if (gender === 'FEMALE') { return '女'; } else { return '未知'; } } export function genAbsolutePicUrl(path) { return `${Hotax.OSS_HOST}/${path}`; } export function statusToBool(status) { if (status === Hotax.STATUS_NORMAL) { return true; } else if (status === Hotax.STATUS_DELETE) { return false; } else { return true; } } export function boolToStatus(bool) { if (bool) { return Hotax.STATUS_NORMAL; } else { return Hotax.STATUS_DELETE; } } export function renderProductType(type) { if (type === Hotax.PRODUCT_COURSE) { return '课程'; } else if (type === Hotax.PRODUCT_SUPPORT) { return '配套'; } else if (type === Hotax.PRODUCT_PACKAGE) { return '套餐包'; } else { return ''; } } export function toDecimal2(x) { let f = parseFloat(x); if (isNaN(f)) { return false; } f = Math.round(x * 100) / 100; let s = f.toString(); let rs = s.indexOf('.'); if (rs < 0) { rs = s.length; s += '.'; } while (s.length <= rs + 2) { s += '0'; } return s; } export function provinceCodeToName(pcode) { return ProvinceCodes[pcode]; } export function provinceNameToCode(pname) { const match = Object.keys(ProvinceCodes).filter((code) => { if (ProvinceCodes[code] === pname) { return true; } return false; }); return match[0]; } export function checkProductType(typeStr) { switch (typeStr) { case Hotax.PRODUCT_COURSE: return '课程'; case Hotax.PRODUCT_SUPPORT: return '配套'; case Hotax.PRODUCT_TRAINING: return '师训'; case Hotax.PRODUCT_PACKAGE: return '套餐包'; default: return ''; } } export function renderOrderStatus(status, isPlainText) { const map = { [Hotax.ORDER_UNPAID]: { name: '未支付', type: 'default', }, [Hotax.ORDER_CANCEL]: { name: '已作废', type: 'error', }, [Hotax.ORDER_PAYOK]: { name: '已支付', type: 'processing', }, [Hotax.ORDER_COMPLETE]: { name: '已完成', type: 'success', }, [Hotax.ORDER_FORSEND]: { name: '待发货', type: 'processing', }, [Hotax.ORDER_SENT]: { name: '已发货', type: 'processing', }, [Hotax.ORDER_RECEIVED]: { name: '已收货', type: 'warning', }, [Hotax.ORDER_REFUND]: { name: '退款中', type: 'warning', }, }; const obj = map[status] || { name: '未定义', type: 'error' }; if (isPlainText) { return; } else { return ; } } export function renderOrderSplitStatus(status) { switch (status) { case Hotax.ORDER_NOSPLIT: return '未拆单'; case Hotax.ORDER_UNSPLIT: return '无需拆单'; case Hotax.ORDER_SPLITED: return '已拆单'; default: return ''; } } export function renderGoodsType(status) { switch (status) { case Hotax.GOODS_VIRTUAL: return '虚拟'; case Hotax.GOODS_ENTITY: return '实体'; default: return ''; } } export function getResourceTypeName(type) { switch (type) { case Hotax.RESOURCE_VIDEO: return '视频'; case Hotax.RESOURCE_AUDIO: return '音频'; case Hotax.RESOURCE_IMAGE: return '图片'; case Hotax.RESOURCE_AUDIOBOOK: return '有声读物'; default: return ''; } } // 视频相关常量 const resourceTypes = { [Hotax.RESOURCE_AUDIO]: '音频', [Hotax.RESOURCE_VIDEO]: '视频', }; const resourceQuality = { [Hotax.QUALITY_FLUENT]: '流畅', [Hotax.QUALITY_STANDARD]: '标清', [Hotax.QUALITY_HIGH]: '高清', [Hotax.QUALITY_SUPERCLEAR]: '超清', }; // 价格相关常量 const chargeUnitMap = { [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_DAY]: '天', [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_SEASON]: '季', [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_HALF_YEAR]: '半年', [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_YEAR]: '年', [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_ITEM]: '件', }; const durationMap = { [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_SEASON]: Hotax.DURATION_SEASON, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_HALF_YEAR]: Hotax.DURATION_HALF_YEAR, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_YEAR]: Hotax.DURATION_YEAR, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_DAY]: Hotax.DURATION_DAY, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_ITEM]: Hotax.DURATION_ITEM, }; const sortMap = { [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_ITEM]: -1, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_DAY]: 0, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_SEASON]: 1, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_HALF_YEAR]: 2, [Hotax.CHARGE_UNIT_YEAR]: 3, }; export { resourceTypes, resourceQuality, chargeUnitMap, durationMap, sortMap };